What You SEE Is What You GIVE...
Do you ever feel like your spouse isn't giving you exactly what you want? Maybe you want more romance, to be listened to or just a little encouragement. I believe couples often mirror each other. I think what you are giving, even when its not intentional, good or bad, your spouse gives it right back. For example, when I want Honey to be more romantic, the first thing I do is....be romantic first. Now of course we have two different ideas of what that means. He gets so excited when I treat him to a sporting event or even remember not to make plans after Sunday service during football season. For me, I love when he plans a nice dinner date or gets me something I mentioned wanting weeks prior (likely from an infomercial). But the moment I make him feel special, he does something to make me feel the same way. In my experience, when you're in a healthy marriage its not often that a spouse returns love and kindness with anything less than that. So before you get upset about what you are not getting in your relationship, consider what you are giving.